Discover the Important Tweets with this PR Tool for Twitter

Your public relations teams can create custom tweet alerts and save countless hours manually looking for useful updates of your clients on Twitter.

Why Choose MyTweetAlerts as your Public Relations Tool?

Which benefits we can give you?

Advanced Twitter Search Filters

Advanced Twitter Search Filters

Easy setup

Easy setup

Excellent support

Excellent support

Weekly, daily, hourly inbox email alerts

Weekly, daily, hourly inbox email alerts

Audience list for retargeting

Audience list for retargeting

Track keywords, phrases, #hashtags, mentions and more!

Track keywords, phrases, #hashtags, mentions and more!

Now with Slack Notifications

Now with Slack Notifications

Stats show Twitter Monitoring is Important for PR companies

PR Companies Statistics and Facts

  • Twitter remains the leading social network among journalists at 83%.
  • Over 90% of PR pros selected Twitter as the number one platform for following other journalists.
  • 54% of PR pros either always or frequently follow journalists on social media before they pitch
  • More than 70% of Public Relations pros selected Twitter as the most valuable social network to
    help them do their job.
  • 83% of journalists cited Twitter as the most valuable to them (up from 70% last year), followed by
    Facebook 40% (up from 22% last year).
  • 85% of Public Relations professionals say their businesses or clients regularly engage on
    Twitter — more than any other social media platform.

Social Media Twitter Facts and Statistics

  • 500 million tweets are sent each day (that’s roughly 6,000 tweets every second).
  • Over 500 million users visit Twitter every month organically.
  • Twitter has more than 140 million daily active monetizable users.
  • About 20% (or 30 million) of Twitter’s daily users are from the US.
  • More than 90% of the US population knows about Twitter (especially for media and culture).
  • 92% of companies tweet more than once a day, 42% tweet 1 to 5 times a day, and 19% tweet 6 to 10 times
    a day.
  • In a Twitter survey, users said that they had taken action (such as website visits, brand search, or
    retweeting content) after seeing a brand mentioned in Tweets.

Twitter Monitoring

Twitter is something of great significance, especially for Public Relations professionals and companies, as you can use Twitter for research, networking, and announcements. But on Twitter, more than 500 million tweets are sent each day, so it’s not possible to keep track of everything and go through hundreds and thousands of tweets. That’s where we come into play — as, with our tool, you can monitor everything of importance on Twitter easily.

Alerts for Everything

MyTweetAlerts is a carefully designed tool with which you can monitor Twitter and get all the alerts delivered straight to your inbox on time. We have also configured Slack notifications so you can receive all the alerts directly on your selected Slack channels.

Public Relation Companies

In the Public Relations (PR) Industry, your job is to build and manage the relationships with your audience and control the spread of misinformation in public for specific disciplines such as Financial public relations, Crisis management, Government relations, Media relations, Consumer or lifestyle public relations, Social Media or Community Marketing and In-house public relations.

You have to connect and amplify your client products or services to a wider audience to market and manage the message received about the companies (such as consumer, and media relations) by the user groups.

Use MyTweetAlerts Public Relations Tool to Discover Important Twitter Mentions and Hashtags

MyTweetAlerts is helping PR Companies all over the world to track brand mentions and all the related latest updates about companies. Learn how other public relations companies are using this tool.

Get Notified When Important Users Tweets About Your Clients or Brands

Your clients want to be informed if a famous or influential person is talking about their company. With MyTweetAlerts, you can track specific Twitter users to know if they tweet anything related to your client’s company. So when politician or celebrity is mentioning your clients brand you can get a notification. It’s important to see both positive and negative tweets as those positive ones can be amplified and those negative ones can be dealt with in a timely manner before they reach broader audience.

For example: you can track specific Twitter lists in MyTweetAlerts (like @TwitterGov for politics) and get alerts whenever someone, say a politician, tweets about the company — so that you can take immediate actions to handle the situation properly.

In the tweet image, she (member of the Us House Twitter list which includes both personal and govt verified accounts) is tweeting about Walmart and management there might want to know that she is tweeting so for them getting alert when someone of this list tweets about their brand is valuable.

Discover Tweets Before They Go Viral

Tweets can get into the trending list any time which can get hundreds of likes and retweets but it’s crucial to track tweets before they go viral to make sure that they are promoting good press only for your client.

With MyTweetAlerts, you track tweets with a certain number of likes/replies/retweets to get ahead of a potential social media crisis and change the conversation if it doesn’t align with your clients brand.

Discover all the Relevant Tweets even when Your Clients aren’t Mentioned or Tagged

Many users might be talking about your client on Twitter without mentioning them directly. If you only track your clients by their account handles and mentions, you can miss out on many important information.

Some users can refer to your client by hashtag, or mention the CEO, or by other related keywords. But MyTweetAlerts allows you to track relevant mentions and hashtags to get a notification immediately. In the tweet image, users are tweeting to the Walmart CEO instead of tweeting to Walmart directly which would be missed if the CEO profile is not in the tracking alerts.

Check Discussions about Your Clients on Reddit before they go Viral

Similarly to Twitter, Reddit also has a massive user base of 330 million monthly active users, and if something becomes a hot topic of discussion on Reddit, it can get over 1 million views in no time.

It is common that people will tweet about the viral post on Reddit so if your alert is monitoring the keyword Reddit and your clients brand name, it can notify you of the trending reddit discussions. As shown in the example, the tweet is referring to a Reddit post and the Walmart keyword which is important to monitor to manage the brand PR.

Trusted by Public Relations Companies all over the World!

Your Public Relations Team Don't Want to Miss Out What People on Twitter are Saying About your Clients!