Discover the Airline Tweets Important to You

Create your own custom tweet alerts, saving you countless hours spent on Twitter.

Why Choose MyTweetAlerts?

Which benefits we can give you?

Advanced Twitter Search Filters

Advanced Twitter Search Filters

Easy setup

Easy setup

Excellent support

Excellent support

Weekly, daily, hourly inbox email alerts

Weekly, daily, hourly inbox email alerts

Audience list for retargeting

Audience list for retargeting

Track keywords, phrases, #hashtags, mentions and more!

Track keywords, phrases, #hashtags, mentions and more!

Now with Slack Notifications

Now with Slack Notifications

Stats show Twitter Monitoring is Important for Airlines

Airline Social Media Stats

  • American Airlines has 1 494 planes.
  • There are over 5000 airlines with ICAO codes.
  • The world’s largest airline by fleet size and passengers carried is American Airlines.
  • Only 3% of your customers will mention you when they complain.
  • In 2018, there was — on average — 9 728 planes carrying 1 270 406
    passengers in the sky at any given moment.
  • Passengers sending tweets during flights are the fastest source of information for airline
  • As of 2018, 82 airlines worldwide are offering Wi-Fi access during flights.
  • Only 41% of the airline industry uses Twitter, making it a highly underutilized
    marketing strategy.
  • 75% of posts about airline companies on social media are positive.

Social Media Statistics and Facts

  • More than 6 000 tweets are sent every second, adding up to 350 000
    tweets every minute, and 500M every day.
  • 80% of active users on Twitter access the website via mobile.
  • 80% of Twitter users aren’t Americans.
  • The biggest airline account on Twitter is AirAsia (Bahasa Indonesia) with over 4.1M
  • 40% of passengers have tried contacting airline companies on Twitter, however, only
    28% of them got a response.
  • Royal Dutch Airlines customer service can respond in 13 different languages on
  • 326 million people use Twitter every month.
  • 71% of Twitter users read the news on the platform.
  • People are 31% more likely to recall what they saw on Twitter.
  • 85% of customers say providing customer service on Twitter is important.

Twitter Monitoring

Brands or Airlines that aren’t leveraging the power of Twitter are seriously missing out. But being
active on Twitter requires time and effort. There are 500 million tweets sent every day. This doesn’t
include the thousands of Direct Messages (DMs) sent over the platform. With so much traffic on Twitter,
you can easily miss a potential client, customer complaint, or business opportunity. That’s why you need
to use a Twitter monitoring tool like MyTweetAlerts.

Alerts for Everything

MyTweetAlerts is a new and better way to search Twitter – get alerts for important Tweets. You can
receive these alerts via customized emails or Slack notifications. MyTweetAlerts will help you discover
tweets about airlines and notify you for every new tweet.


It has never been more important for airlines to monitor social media, and that includes Twitter.
If something popular, interesting, or newsworthy is happening on the internet, then someone is Tweeting
about it! By monitoring your Twitter account, you can catch the latest happenings and inject yourself into
the conversation. There’s no better way to build a favorable brand than with Twitter engagement – and
still, many commercial airlines and airports aren’t monitoring Twitter.

Easily Discover Important Airline Tweets Today

MyTweetAlerts is helping airlines gather valuable data and get alerts for important Tweets. Learn how other airlines are using this tool.

Discover Trending Tweets about Your Airline

Airline Tweets with hundreds of likes and retweets often get a lot of attention from the press, and journalists are always monitoring Twitter for newsworthy material that they can turn into popular airline articles. With MyTweetAlerts, you’ll be instantly updated as soon as a Tweet starts trending, or after it reaches a certain number of likes or Retweets. You can determine these metrics when setting up your account. MyTweetAlerts makes it easy to respond to bad publicity quickly, and to help use good publicity to grow your brand.

Inform Your Airline Staff about relevant Airport Tweets

Monitor feedback from your customers on Twitter, and get real time updates about their thoughts on your airports and destinations. For example: if someone using your airline Tweets a complaint, your station manager can get immediate notification via Slack or email so they can attend to the situation.

Discover relevant Tweets even when Your Airline isn’t being Mentioned or Tagged

A lot of customers might be talking about your airline on Twitter without mentioning it directly. If you only track mentions, you are missing out on a lot of valuable information! Some customers may use your hashtags, some may mention an aircraft name, or some might even tag a CEO or other high profile person within your airline. With MyTweetAlerts, you can find all relevant mentions and tags and never miss getting the right information to the most relevant party.

Spot Discussions about Your Airline on Reddit before They go Viral

With MyTweetAlerts you can get notified anytime a Tweet mentions Reddit and your airline name, which often means that a post about your airline is trending on Reddit. Posts on Reddit can become a hot topic of discussion, bringing in more than 1 million views. If your airline is trending in these discussions, MyTweetAlerts will make sure you are the first to know about Reddit Tweets so you can respond on behalf of your brand.

Monitor and get Notifications for Special Keywords like, Emergency, Diverted, Urgent

By setting alerts for keywords like “diverted” or “emergency” plus your airline name, you will be better able to monitor happenings on board your aircraft. With MyTweetAlerts, you will be able to notify the proper channels should a problem arise. We’ve seen cases where the first warnings of a problem have been posted on Twitter – well before flight control is even aware of any potential issue!

Trusted by high-quality airlines

Your Customers are Talking about Your Airline on Twitter. Don't Miss Another Airline Tweet!